Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Ah, yes.  The holiday's are approaching once again.  The holiday's that bring joy and laughter can also bring bitterness and sorrow for some. 

After being married for five years, you would think that Jeremy and I would have the holiday's down to a science...well we don't.  There is always question as to which family we will spend each day with.  As if the actual day of Thanksgiving or Christmas, are really any different then any other day!  Our families equally want to spend the special days together with us, even more now that little Camden has arrived.   So Jeremy and I are stuck making decisions that may or may not cause disappointment and hard feelings.  We have tried in the past to split each holiday as equally as we can, hoping that everyone would feel they spent sufficiant time with everyone around.  I know that we are not the only family that has to deal with this issue.  My brother and sister in law also try their best to split time between our family and her family.  Not wanting to cause any hard feelings for anyone.  What a hassle! 

I wrote this not to make anyone in my family upset, but to say that I really appreciate how accommodating everyone in my family is!  Each year there are new circumstances with Jeremy and I, mostly having to do with where we live, which make it hard to always have "smooth" holiday's.  So, THANK YOU to my family and to Jeremy's family for making the holiday's something that no matter the circumstance we find ourselves in, Jeremy and I can always look forward to spending whatever time we can with our family!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Being married is hard!  Gosh!  I know that I may not have tons of knowledge on the subject, I have only been married for 5 years...but WOW, I have learned so much!  Although, lateley it seems that I'm at a loss.  There are days when it seems like Jeremy and I are on two totally different pages!  It's almost as though we are becoming two different people, on two different paths.  We are.  God has made us different and I believe that He is still working on changing both of us for His work.  So right now, we are just really struggling to have a normal day without arguing.  Man!  It is just hard work being married right now!

I'm pretty sure this is how marriage is though.  Jeremy and I have been through other hard times in our short marriage, and we made it through together as a stronger, closer couple.  God will bring us through this as well.  The vows that we made to one another over five years ago are still holding us together.  Even when it causes us to have to bend and change along with one another...to have and to hold in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, though rich or poor, I promise to love you.

Something that my Grandma and my mom have both told me many times before, that I hold onto in times like this, is, "This too shall pass!"

So I will leave you with that thought today and hopefully those words can encourage you through a tough time you may be going through today!  This too shall pass!!